Nealenews links to an opinion piece by Cinnamon Stillwell where Stillwell explains his place in the world since the events of 9/11:
Thoroughly disgusted by the behavior of those on the left, I began to look elsewhere for support. To my astonishment, I found that the only voices that seemed to me to be intellectually and morally honest were on the right. Suddenly, I was listening to conservative talk-show hosts on the radio and reading conservative columnists, and they were making sense. When I actually met conservatives, I discovered that they did not at all embody the stereotypes with which I'd been inculcated as a liberal.I suspect that this is a fairly typical response that some people have to earth shattering events. This of course probably takes place to certain degrees on both the left and the right of the political spectrum.
Although my initial agreement with voices on the right centered on the war on terrorism, I began to find myself in concurrence with other aspects of conservative political philosophy as well. Smaller government, traditional societal structures, respect and reverence for life, the importance of family, personal responsibility, national unity over identity politics and the benefits of living in a meritocracy all became important to me. In truth, it turns out I was already conservative on many of these subjects but had never been willing to admit as much.
Being quite conservative myself, I find it interesting how those who go from the left to the right always mention how surprised they are when they realize that righties aren't all crazy, ignorant, and bigoted. The notion that those from the right of the political spectrum could be anything else never seems to have occured to them.
I bring this up because I suspect it would less likely that a person with a conservative belief system would be able to have a similar transformation. From my own experience I view a young person with leftie views as either naive, ill-informed, brain-washed, or downright self-destructive. As for older lefties... well I just feel sorry for them.
It's as if they never really grew up.
I’ve been following this Blog for a couple of years :
Roger Simon is a writer who lives in Hollywood, a member of the Academy, a lifelong Democrat , but voted Republican for the first time in 2004 as did many of his Blog commentators. The commentators sound much like your op-ed writer from SF. As you appreciate, it takes a brave person to state at a Hollywood cocktail party that one voted for Bush.
Do certain GOP positions such as SSM bother them ? Yes. But the overriding factor is always the war on terror. In the process they now see the light on multi-culturism and the “blame America first” attitudes of all the Michael Moore’s in the world of media/entertainment and all the Noam Chomsky's in academia ( this is where your comment on young people being brainwashed is quite frightening).
What changed the Roger Simon’s? 9/11 did. It became apparent that America was at war because the enemy said they wanted the infidels converted or dead. This isn’t complicated to understand – unless you’re European or Canadian and don’t have a ferociously confrontational 2-party system with an elected head of State , an elected Senate and say at least one MSM news outlet like Fox to bring some perspective to the otherwise groupthink.
On BMD, the PMO has now changed North American security policies without even bothering to get McKenna, Pettigrew and Graham on the same page , no debate in the House; all to appease the NDP and Quebec which lives in an even more insulated media bubble then the ROC .
Please keep blogging. It’s our only hope to avoid a repeat of the 1930’s when Churchill was warning the world of the dangers of fascism and the BBC mocked him.
In my teens I was a liberal (as many teenagers are). In my early twenties I was a centrist/libertarian with capitalist leanings. When the towers fell, I was an American (despite my passport disagreeing with me). From the ashes of the WTC I came out a Republican/Conservative/Tory (depending on my country at the time). I do not argue with the title of 9/11 Republican. I'm proud of it. It was a wakeup call - and I woke up. Those that didn't... well, we can't save 'em all!
I think what we're seeing is a gradual realisation that the left is so wrapped up in its hatred of Dubya that it's turning against the ideals it fought for in the past. It's shrinking inward and forcibly expelling everyone that doesn't share their narrow 'blame America' worldview.
Meanwhile, the political right is expanding in it message and membership. You don't have to be a fan of Dubya to be considered a Right Winger now, all you have to do is believe is that our civilisation is worth defending.
That leads to a wider range of opinion within the 'big tent' of the right.
If it's big enough for William F. Buckley and Christopher Hitchens, then there's room enough for everyone.
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