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More Changes Needed

Now that the CRTC has removed all restrictions from allowing FOXNews in Canada it is time that the CRTC remove all programming restrictions from CTV Newsnet:
"The issue is fairness," said Robert Hurst, president, CTV News. "This makes Fox News the sixth American television news service to be approved for broadcast in Canada - without any format restrictions. In fact, CTV Newsnet continues to be the only English-language television news service, which must operate under severely restrictive conditions."

"We have entered a new era in which American news choices dominate English-language Canadian television. Canadians have a right to increased, enhanced, unmistakably Canadian news sources, with the ability to compete head-on with Fox News or any other foreign news channels. That's what our application is all about. And today's CRTC announcement makes it more urgent than ever," said Hurst.

CTV applied Aug. 25, 2004, for a change in its licence conditions that requires it to air rigid "newswheel" segments every 15 minutes. It is limited in its ability to air breaking news. CTV Newsnet is the only English-language news service that operates under such restrictions. It is seeking to remain a headline news service in its application, but with greater flexibility to bring Canadians the headline news of the day.
The restrictions CTV operates under are totally draconian whose only purpose is to protect the franchise of CBC Newsworld. There is no place for such restrictions on a Canadian news channel in this day and age. The CRTC has to grow up and recognize that it's job is not to protect us from 'un-Canadian' ideas or to protect one television station from the competition of another.

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