
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

And A Few More Things...

The election seems over so its time to move on and get back to the business at hand. Well it seems the election is over... I guess considering Al Gore's early concession speech in 2000 that no Democrat in his right mind would repeat that mistake. If you call it a mistake. Anyways.

As of now it is basically a statistical impossibility that Kerry can win. He needs Ohio, Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico all of which he is currently losing. It's very unlikely that even with recounts, legal challenges, etc... he'll be able to turn all of those around. Not impossible I suppose but as likely as me being crowned King of Spain before today is out.

So moving onward...

First off, check out Walter Hudson's An Open Letter To Usama Bin Laden. Walter, if you're ever in Ottawa give us a call. You earned yourself a few pints. Walter says:
You tell us you do not hate freedom. You tell us you “fought” us on 9-11 because you are free. We find that argument ridiculous, the result of a small mind. To call the attack you ordered “fighting”, an attack whose deliberate target was thousands of innocent civilians and the infrastructure of the world’s greatest democratic republic is a desecration of the word. A fighter stands toe-to-toe with his opponent, looks him in the eye, targets him, not innocent unarmed bystanders. You did not fight us on 9-11. You attempted to burn us as we slept. You did not face us. You hit us while our face was turned. You betrayed the humanity with which God blessed you upon your creation. You did it, not because you are free, but because we are free, because we threaten to free others from the oppression of your kind, because the only freedom you support is the freedom to submit.

You tell us the reason you killed three-thousand innocents was because you perceived injustice and felt “a strong determination to punish” us. Do you truly expect us to accept that explanation? Do you believe we will write off our dead as a fair price paid for a debt you arbitrarily determined we owed? Do you expect our reaction to be anything less than utter defiance? I suppose you have little choice but to hope it will be. I suppose you have little choice but to try and dissuade our anger by citing your own. Indeed, we shamefully concede there are those among us weak enough to accept your judgment, men like John Kerry, men you would see the rest of us emulate. However, today we choose to reject submission. We do so because we recognize the choice to submit is the last free choice one can make. We recognize that cycles of violence are not ended by submission, but by imposition. Thus, we will make our war on you and the ideology you represent until both are no more.
Go read the whole thing. His closer brings tears to my eyes. ;-)

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