
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

The Debate That Wasn't

Well since everyone is telling us their opinions on the Kerry/Bush debate last night I might as well add my thoughts to the discourse.

So what did I think? Well let's just say that the key factor for me was that my satellite service changed the channel assignments the night before last. Why is that important? Well, about half an hour into the debate I found myself updating my channel lists with the new channels. Lame.

This was the sorriest excuse for a debate that I've ever seen. One and a half hours of free campaign time. So what did we find out last night? Well, G.W. isn't a good public speaker. Thanks. Kerry believes that his positions are consistent. Of course he does.

Anyways, from what I did see of the debate I would have to give the slightest of advantages to Kerry. He seemed to be on offence for most of the time I was tuned in. But I have to add that Lehrer seemed to throw Kerry nothing but softballs all night. His questions seemed to ensure that Bush was always responding to an accusation and on the defensive. Kerry on the other hand has been all over the map on many foreign policy issues and Lehrer's questions didn't force Kerry to respond to these inconsistencies.

So I can't say that I'm disappointed in the debate because the format pretty much insured it wouldn't amount to much. My expectations were low and they lived up to them. Good work guys.

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