
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Universities And The Idiots That Run Them

You've really got to love the Internet. Bob and I created this site intending to bitch and complain about the goings on here in Canada. As happens to many blogs we can't always spend the amount of time that we would like looking for events that aren't already covered in some manner by the MSM. You know how it goes... wives, homes, kids, pets, etc... time is scarce.

Anyways, back to why I love the Internet. Michael at Confessions of a Hockey Fanatic (He's apparently a big Pittsburgh Penguins fan. Sad. Go to his site and send your condolences.) sent us a link to a story in The Varsity Online, the student paper at the University of Toronto. The story SAC paid for NY protest bus decribes how the Student's Administration Council funded 26 protestors on their trip to New York during the Republican National Convention.

Michael must have a 6th sense or something because I just watched the trailer for Brainwashing 101 a movie about bias found in American universities. The movie by Evan Coyne Maloney was actually very good. I especially enjoyed the interviews with the zombie-like economics professor and his run-in with the university administrator. That administrator was worse that Ben Stein's character in Farris Bueller's Day Off. Amusing.

Anyways watching that trailer had me cursing our university culture last night and then Michael sends us his link. I've always known that our Canadian universities lack just as much, if not more, a diversity of opinion but it subject is a total do-not-touch topic in our media.

I studied engineering at UNB (note my lack of spelling and grammer skills) and had to deal with this stuff whenever I ventured out of Head Hall which was the engineering building. Some of the more amusing stories is how whenever issues of the engineering paper The Pillar were distributed in any of the arts buildings someone would often throw them all in the garbage. Like please. The entire paper was dedicated to humour and current events in the engineering faculty.

Now the 'official' university newspaper The Brunswickan (or The Bumslickan as referred to in The Pillar) never had this problem because they of course didn't deviate from any rules defined by our politically correct culture. This week's editorial criticizes the Republican National Convention and says that the US should enforce it's 'separation of church and state' like France does. Allo? First off, the US Constitution contains no reference to a 'separation of church and state'. The Constitution states that the federal government cannot institute a 'national religion'. That's it. According to the American Constitution individual states could create and impose their own religions if they so chose. Details. As well the author fails to mention that France's wonderful policies are driving France straight into a civil war within 25 or so years. Great plan buddy.

I should mention that I worked for The Bumslickan for about 2 months. It could have been longer but how much time could I spend around such idiots before stabbing one of them in the neck with a #2 pencil. NOT LONG I TELL YOU! I did manage to get a few concert tickets out of them so it wasn't a total loss.

Anyways, our universities are today so devoid of diversity of opinion that it makes me shudder. While I was a student, Preston Manning of the now defunct Reform Party of Canada gave a speech at the university. There were actually university professors that let their students out early so that they could go and protest. What kind of message is that sending?

Anyways I'm babbling again. In short: universities suck, thanks for the link Michael, check out The Pillar, and watch Brainwashing 101.

PS: The Bumslickan still sucks.

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