
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Hornets Are No Friends Of Mine

Well we got ourselves moved into our home this weekend and the place is starting to look liveable. Naturally the floor is covered with odds and ends but at least we can walk from room to room without to much trouble.

The first problem I am going to face as a homeowner is how to get rid of a hornets nest. I looked up at the front eaves last night and there to behold was their nest. Now the hornets haven't caused any grief yet but hornets are not really known for living in peaceful coexistance with their bi-pedal'd neighbours. So the nest must go...

I've come across several methods to get rid of the hornets. For my own amusement I've made up catchy names for each:

1) The Apocolypse Now Method: Take a large garbage can and start a fire in it. Slowly walk up to the nest, grab it, and throw it in! This method will surely result in a few bites but it apparently makes up for that due to the entertainment it provides the neighbourhood.

2) The Athlete's Method: Take a badmingon racket and slowly approach the nest. Take a deap breath and then start swinging like hell! Results will likely be similar to Method #1.

3) The Girly-Man's Method: Call pest-control.

4) The Handy-Man's Method: Go to Canadian Tire and by a can of 'hornet freeze' or whatever it is called and freeze the buggers. Using a product like Raid is included in this method.

5) The Carpenter's Method: By a can of expanding foam insulation and spray it into the entrance to the nest.

6) The Cheapskate's Method: Whack it with a stick or spray it with the hose.

7) The House-Wives Method: Mix some water with liquid dish detergent. Get a pressure hose and soak the nest. Apparently the soapy water causes them to drown.

I think my first attempt will involve hosing the nest and hoping it falls down. If that doesn't work I think I'll go for the Raid.

Wish me luck...

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