
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

A Few Reciprolinks

I know I haven't written much lately but thankfully Bob has been keeping the ship afloat.

I just thought today that I'ld put up some reciprolinks to a few folks that have been kind enough to link to us:

The Diplomad
The Red Granger
Babbling Brooks
Looney Canuck

As for my lack of posting... well I've just been way to busy. Plus sick. Damn microscopic organisms. Damn them all!

Anyways the news these days pretty much explains itself.

CBS News is finished. And rightfully so I might add. How Dan Rather could respond to criticisms of his work in the way he did is enough to convict him. I have no other comment on the matter.

John Kerry... well where could one start. How about this: Could the Democrat's have possibly picked a worse candidate? At least with Al Sharpton they could have claimed it was all a bad joke that got out of control. Instead they nominated Al Gore 2.0 thinking things would be totally different this time around. Tsk tsk.

Now it wouldn't take a genious to figure out that I hope G.W. gets re-elected, but I could have picked better candidates that the last two Democratic nutjobs by choosing the two most colourful characters I could find on cereal boxes. Like seriously? Al Gore? John Kerry?

I don't claim to understand the 'left' or liberals in general but which neurons misfired that allowed these nominations to happen? Why are Democrat's letting the 'normal' candidates slip through their fingers? How about Dick Gephardt? He seems normal. Joe Lieberman?

Out of the 2-3 hundred million Americans out there, how many would look at Gore or Kerry and say: You know he's kind of like me.

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