
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

What's Happened To Spain?

I'm not too sure what happened to the strong and proud Spaniard but it seems that they are few and far between these days. After the Madrid bombings of March 11th, many including myself concluded that Spain had surrendered in the face of terrorism.

Then after the Spaniards started making arrests we had the April 3rd bombing that took the life of Francisco Javier Toronteras when he and other officers surrounded the apartment where many of the suspects were hiding. Once again this is pretty standard when dealing with terrorists but at least it seemed as if the Spanish were serious.

But the lack of Spanish outrage to this is beyond explanation to me:
But just before sunrise on Monday, April 19, something happened that raised the possibility that Madrid and Europe generally are center stage in the war on terror. Unknown intruders broke into the cemetery where the policeman Torronteras was interred. With a pick-axe, they pried open the crypt where his body lay, smashing the plaque on which memorial verses had been written by his family. They removed the coffin, wheeled it 500 meters away on a hand truck, opened it, chopped off the left hand, doused the corpse with gasoline, and lit it on fire.
What is wrong with you bloody people?!

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