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More Like Europeans?

I always get a kick out of how many people in Canadian politics keep pushing the 'compassionate' European model of social organization.

Due to France's wonderful social security system their elderly are commiting suicide at an alarming rate:
The French government is to punish families who fail to keep in touch with elderly relatives after being shamed by statistics which reveal that its suicide rate among its pensioners is the highest in Europe.

In a country that prides itself on traditional Catholic family values, elderly people left to fend for themselves are committing suicide at a rate of 62 a week, according to the figures released last week.

Under French law, adult offspring are already required to provide for ageing parents who do not have the means to look after themselves. Article 207 of the Civil Code states that children have a legal obligation to "honour and respect" their parents, as well as pay them an allowance and provide or fund a home for them. A judge may set the sum, with non-payers facing prison or a fine.
If a country has to pass laws that 'force' people to care for their parents then what long term prospects does it have? Apparently the people of France aren't as socially compassionate and caring as they would like us to believe.

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