
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Just Some Odds'n Ends

Well I finally got my first copy of The Western Standard yesterday. I must say that I was very impressed. It had a good variety of material from national, international, culture, business... a bit of everything. Plus I was pleased that it didn't focus exclusively on Western Canadian issues. Us Islanders from the east coast shouldn't feel left out now should we?

So what else is new? Well the Communist Canadian Broadcasting Corporation still sucks. I was watching today and Neil MacDonald was referring to 'Bush's adventure in Iraq' which I thought was odd language to be used by a reporter. I can't say I'm totally surprised though.

As well I got to catch CBCs 24 hour coverage of the torture situation and George Bush's interviews on Arab television. Once again Neil MacDonald took liberties to tell us what he thought G.W. was thinking during the interview. Once again odd language to be used by a reporter.

I am really getting a kick how the CBC is painting the torture revelations in Iraq to be somehow G.W.'s fault. Maybe they are just following the lead other international media outlets but either way it seems terribly slanted. When Canadian soldiers had killed the Somali a back during the nineties I don't remember them in any way trying to blame Chrietien for it. Once again though I'm not totally surprised.

Plus I love how the media keeps reminding us how outraged the Arab world is about the torture photos. I don't give a flying f@$> what the Arab world thinks! This may sound harsh but it's about time that the Arab world worries about what we think. Until then they can kiss any sympathy from me goodbye. A culture that encourages the subjugation of its women, holds fundraisers for suicide bombers, and names city streets after people who kill innocent people, has not earned my sympathy or concern.

During WW2, we bombed Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, etc... into piles of rubble. Would I have felt sympathy for the individual women and children killed in the bombings? Yes. Would I have worried about how it affected their opinion of us. Absolutely freaking not! Same goes for the individual soldiers during WW2. Were some German soldiers executed after they had surrendered. Of course some were. Were some tortured. Yes again. Did any of that invalidate our efforts during WW2? Not in the least. A few men and women are not the measure of an entire civilization.

The same goes for Iraq. You don't have to agree with the reasons for the US invasion but it is plenty clear that Saddam Huissein and his regime were the bad guys. Were there good men who worked for his regime. Definitely. That such people surely existed doesn't mean the regime was good.

Anyways, enough of that.

So what else has been going on? Well In DC has a great post on the pro-abortion protests that took place a few weeks ago. I can easily say that nothing has disgusted me more than this post in quite a long time. I don't care what your position is in regards to abortion, if you don't find this stuff troubling then you are quite simply a total ass.

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