
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Guns Fall Quiet?

So the guns have fallen quiet have they? According to Antonia Zerbisias they have.

Did she ever consider that some of us have shit to do? I'm getting married, just bought a house, and plus the weather is fit enough to allow me to spend some time enjoying the outdoors. I'm not sure about the other Canadian bloggers she is referring to but I have most certainly not lost faith.

Quite frankly I am sick and tired of repeating the same arguments justifying both the war in Iraq and the general war on terror. I still believe that both of these wars must be fought and more importantly that they both must be won.

Zerisias says:
No, the war party is over. There is nothing to celebrate any more. (Not that there ever was.) President George W. Bush's folly is a bloody, costly, tragic, world-dividing disaster that has led to more acts of terrorism by more groups.
Where does she get off? More acts of terror? A recent study said that the last year had fewer terror attacks than any year since 1969. I guess those kind of details don't really matter though. Why would they when you can quote some American journalists who are critical of G.W.'s policies? I'm not sure what the quotes are supposed to prove but if it pleases Zerisias that some other journalists share her views than good for her.

Regardless, she can continue to spew the same tired arguments all she wants. I've got stuff to do and I'm not going to point out the flaws in her arguments over, and over, and over again.

Plus I guess that since she is a 'professional' writer that only she must be entitled to her 'oh so valued' opinion. Note to Antonia... we have jobs! I've gotta work 8-9 hours a day as it is. I can't spend the rest of my day responding to the same tired arguments from the likes of her.

When the status of the war in Iraq changes then I may find it worth blogging about. As it stands, the country is moving along quite in line with my expectations. Some people aren't happy in Iraq. Surprise! As it stands the U.S. forces are knocking off militants at a brisk pace.

Anyways Antonia we are still here. Just because some of us have other things to do doesn't reflect in the least on our opinions of the war.


I've never actually read any of Zerbisia's articles before but now I see what everyone finds so amusing about her. The exagerated language she uses is quite comical. I especially liked her comment about little green footballs:
Probably the most venomous of all is Charles Johnson. His site ( is the toilet in which all sorts of misinformation and malice about Arabs and, in particular, Palestinians are dumped. Anybody who writes favourably — or even in a half-balanced manner — about them is slimed.
The fact that she says this in an article dedicated to doing the same to those she disagrees with is... well beyond belief for someone who considers themselves a professional.

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