
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Who's To Blame For The Rwandan Genocide?

I have been generally sympathetic to Romeo Dallaire's leadership of the U.N. mission in Rwanda during the genocide of 1994. Unfortunately he's gone off the deep end with these comments yesterday:
"The international community didn't give one damn for Rwandans because Rwanda was a country of no strategic importance," General Romeo Dallaire told a conference in Kigali marking the 10th anniversary of the slaughter.

"It's up to Rwanda not to let others forget they are criminally responsible for the genocide," he said, singling out France, Britain and the United States.

"The genocide was brutal, criminal and disgusting and continued for 100 days under the eyes of the international community."
Of course someone should be held responsible for the crimes that occured but don't you think it should be those who held the machetees and machine guns? How about those who armed one of the groups? Blame France for that one. Sorry about that... I just couldn't help myself.

If Dallaire wanted to say that the West was morally responsible for the genocide then I may not object so much to his statement. I'm still not of the opinion that the West is morally responsible for the crimes, any more than I'ld place moral blame on the Chinese, Indians, or Brazilians. Still moral responsibility is not the topic here, criminal responsibility is.

So what legal statute is Dallaire referring to? Last I checked there are no legal precidents or statutes that make Western nations criminally responsible for deaths that occur in non-Western nations. Did the U.N. pass a law making the West the global policeman? Sneaky bastards... didn't even bother to tell us I guess.

Anyways, didn't 'world opinion' just recently oppose the removal of our favorite dictator Saddam Hussein? The U.N. certainly opposed it. Maybe the U.S. should add Sudan to its global empire? They don't want to be responsible for the genocide occuring there now do they?

If people think that George W. Bush's 'pre-emptive' foreign policy is throwing international relations out of wack then I'ld like to know what they think of this.


Unknown said...

The killing of the former Rwandian president was the trigger of that whole mess,the ones who caused this are now in power enjoying while us who lost our beloved ones we are crying all the time.You all know who are these people and some of them are your source of income and that scares you to point them out.

wow12 said...

Actually if you knew your history then you would understand that the world is criminally responsible for what happened there because it was genocide. and under international law, the world is obligated to intervene and protect the innocent. This was Africa's holocaust, and the world had agreed that they would never allow such a crime to occur. You have to understand Dallaire saw a lot of things, images that most normal people could not handle. he had to watch thousands and thousands of innocent people die, and he was unable to do anything. He is just very angry and has every right to be. The world failed the people of Rwanda, and certain countries should be held responsible. France armed and trained the army, China sold machetes to Rwanda, Belgium created this divide, and the US the most powerful country on the planet stood by and did nothing. So yes the world other than the African nations who were there failed Rwanda.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we are all to blame as an international community. It is stated that several countries and the UN knew that there was planning for a genocide in Rwanda but did nothing to stop it. General Dallaire called out for help but the international community ignored his pleas. We are just as much to blame as the people of Rwanda for not stepping up and helping out a fellow country in their most desperate time of need.