
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Things May Finally Change

The U.S. administration has endorced Arial Sharon's plan to unilaterally withdraw from the Gaza Strip and much of the West Bank.

When you think about it this may be the first time that things will truely change on the ground since '73. Instead of leaving the Palestinians in a state of delusional hope about the right of return new facts are being created on the ground in the Holy Land.

Will Palestinians be happy about these new facts? Probably not. But nothing was ever going to come of the status-quo. That was quite obvious.

Will the Israeli's be demonized? Probably. Will the U.S. for supporting Sharon's plan? Probably. And of course it may all come to nothing if Sharon's plan is rejected by the Israeli government.

Regardless, why will things change? Simply because the Palestinians don't have an option anymore. During the peace talks of the 90's they could always resort to terror to try and increase their bargaining position. That of course lead to an Israeli response and the subsequent breakdown of any talks.

This time it is different. This time the Israeli's are acting unilaterally. With the wall in place they will be able to leave the territories and the Palestinians will be able to sort out their problems for themselves. Soon there will be no Israeli boogieman to blame anymore.

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