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Is Kerry More Hawkist Than Bush?

John Laughland at The Spectator claims that a Kerry administration will be more likely to wage war than a re-elected Bush administration. It seems even the conservatives across the pond are mentally deficient.

When I read articles like this I have a tendency to think that the author doesn't really believe what they have written. I really have no idea how sincere Laughland is but it seems to me that he is just trying to make some sort of profound observation by putting together all the pieces that only manage to be obvious to him.

He writes:
Serious neocons, indeed, might be calculating that the bungling Bush is now more of a liability than an asset for their desire to remodel the Middle East, and to consolidate America’s unchallenged military power in the world. Kerry might be just what they need, in order to draw the sting of that left-wing anti-Americanism around the world, and in the US itself, which inspires so much antiwar feeling today. The Kosovo war showed that a war for human rights and against oppression, fought by a slick Democrat, plays far better with world public opinion than all that red-neck bull about dangers to national security. It will be far easier for President Kerry to fight new wars than for the mistrusted and discredited Bush. So to those who think that the election of a Democratic president will put an end to American militarism, I say, ‘You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.’
He may be right, perhaps some neocons may be wanting to dump Bush. It frankly doesn't make a lot of sense but anything is possible. First he makes the assumption that the so-called 'neocons' want to do nothing but fight wars. Even the conservative is of the opinion that the creepy neocons are war crazy. It's almost like the ultimate conspiracy theory: those tricky 'neocons' dumping Bush and co-opting Kerry just so they can continue their own personal jihad against the world.

Regardless, no American who is serious about a strong national defense will abandon a Republican president for a Democratic one. Won't happen. Perhaps some traditional Republicans will abandon G.W. for other reasons but you can rest assured that they won't be going out and voting for Kerry.

Most astonishingly Laughland not once questions Kerry's sincerity in the various statements he attributes to him. I wonder if Kerry would be trying to prop up his credentials by being tough on national defense? It is an election year so it would make sense in order to help him win a few of those swing voters. Naw... that's too far fetched.

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