
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Starting To Use Atom

Blogger has finally implemented a syndication service called Atom. I don't know why they are using this standard as opposed to the popular RSS but heck I can't complain. At least this allows the proper formatting of titles which for the life of me I couldn't get to work right with any of the free RSS services on the web.

Anyways I've added a link to the Atom feed on the right and I suggest you use that for viewing our site. I'll keep the XML format up for a while until all the RSS readers out there begin to handle the Atom format. From what I've noticed most have already included it in a recent update so hopefully it won't be a problem.

Though I wish Blogger had just implemented RSS into their free service I'll have to settle for Atom. If anyone knows why they've chosen this standard let me know.

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