Mauril Belanger, the deputy government house leader, told the House of Commons that the government finds nothing amusing about O'Brien making fun of Quebeckers.If you ever were under the impression that not much goes on at the House of Commons, you'ld be right. Quite possibly the biggest political scandel in decades has come to light and
NDP MP Alexa McDonough said the sketch featuring Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was "vile and vicious" and amounted to hate-mongering and that the feds should demand their money back.
Anyways, I'ld like to make a few points. First, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, isn't real. For reference refer to the picture.

Since he is not a real dog don't take anything he says to be all that reliable. In addition the dog talks which should be an indication that not all is kosher with what you are watching.
As well, his name is Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Since the darned mutt has 'Insult' for a middle name I suggest some of our politicians get their priorities in order.
Second, would you politicians and professional agitators please give it up with the PC crap already? Triumph tore into Hawaii a while back, and no one south of the border thought anything of it.
Third, I'm getting to the point were I am going to start referring everything slightly offensive to the Official Languages Commissioner for an investigation.
Of course I'm going to hold out until I can get a politician from Quebec to say how humourless English Canada has become. When one of them says it, and eventually one will, I'm getting me and everyone I know to harass the hell out of the Languages Commision until we get our investigation.
Why? Well English Canada may be humourless and dull but making such a statement would obviously be insensitive to us. We cannot tolerate statements that create dissonance in our society and disrespect for others. We didn't choose to be humourless. Can't others see how difficult and dreary our lives must be without laughter and humour?