
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Surprise! Fooled you again!

It seems that the Liberal Party has once again pulled another one on the Canadian electorate:
Prime Minister Paul Martin's shipping empire had business dealings with Ottawa that were a thousand times more vast than the Liberal government previously admitted, totalling $161-million over the past 11 years, newly released records show.

Although the government reported to Parliament a year ago that companies Mr. Martin owned did only $137,000 worth of federal business in the past decade, they admitted yesterday that the real amount was far more, including $46-million in contracts issued when Mr. Martin was finance minister.
Now quite seriously, does this surprise any of you? Gun registry over-runs, a mistake. Human Resources loses $1 billion dollars, another mistake. Someone makes a type-o that underestimates the governments dealings with the P.M.'s companies by $161 million. Another mistake?

In all honesty, the Liberals must be on to something. What would that something be? That the Canadian people have gone off their med's that's what! Either that or they've learned that all of Canada's public servants missed that class in grade 1 where you were told to 'carry...' the zeros.

As well:
"Lookit, I'm out of the company. But as far as I'm concerned, my dealings are an open book. That document is without a doubt the best document in terms of that involvement that could be created," he said.
If the document he refers to is anything like the last... well Canada you get what you deserve.

And before I'm done with this how is transferring ownership of a company to your sons removing any conflict of interest? This has to be explained to me because I'm obviously missing something.

Hold on, I'm not done yet. Moving his companies headquarters offshore to avoid Canadian taxes is bad enough but to think over 50% of Canadians think he is suited to lead the country quite simply blows my mind away.
