
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

Request for Input

Well canadiancomment has been online now for about two months and I think its about time that we ask for your input into how we are doing.

Any input is appreciated but please note that 'You suck, give it up!' is not input.

If you have a moment please comment and suggest improvements on:

- layout of the site
- ease of reading (or difficulty)
- writing style and content
- any 'blogging' features that are sorely missing
- and anything else you can dream up

I figure I would work on a site redesign and naturally the people who read canadiancomment are the most qualified to recommend improvements. The redesign probably won't appear anytime soon since I'm still trying to figure out how we really want the site to evolve.

As well if anyone has any ideas on server options they would be greatly appreciated. I've got an Apache server running on Linux here at home that would greatly improve our options over Blogspot. Do I hear MovableType anyone? Has anyone tried this and run into uptime problems. The server would run over a highspeed connection which in my past experiences isn't the most reliable of setups.

Anyways, thanks for your help.