
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.


I was gonna write a post about this article that claims only 62% of Ontario high school students graduated last year. But then I thought who really cares about the little ankle biters anyways.

More interestingly, it seems that the internet is slowly being taken over by monkeys! It seems that in our first online poll 42% of the votes have been cast by actual monkeys. Now you might say 'Hey Dana! Your poll isn't exactly scientific.' And of course I'ld have to respond with 'You Punk! Show me one that is.'

Regardless I'm starting to wonder about the state of the world when monkeys are beginning to control one of the high-tech marvels of our age. Now perhaps online monkeys are a tight knit group and share all the wonderful links that they've come across. That would explain why they are all checking out canadiancomment. But seriously, what are the odds of that!? We don't cator to monkeys? I don't think anyways...

And if its the case that monkeys are a tight knit online community then of 1 billion people who accessed online porn last year that only 0.0000005% are monkeys. That seems reasonable and removes the threat of monkeys using the internet to conquor the world. Perhaps the Jewish or Neo-con cabal (depends on the fool you're arguing with) that control George W. Bush is actually a Monkey Cabal set on world domination? And seriously who could blame them. Us humans poke them with things, take some pictures, and walk around talking about how cute they are. Wouldn't that piss you off!

Monkeys... I wonder...