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Kill the Gun Registry

Paul Martin is hinting that changes are coming to the national gun registry. What changes we should expect are yet to be determined.

According to the article, only one arrest has been made related to the registry, and that was for someone failing to register a weapon. Its pretty bad that the only crime prevented by the gun registry is a crime that only occurred because the legislation is in place. No registry, no failure to register... right?

For $1 Billion you think they could at least jack up the numbers with some token arrests. Throw granny in jail and hail it as a great example of the registry's success.

And why has the national media not further questioned the registry and its lack of success in preventing crimes. The national media will report Liberal excuses and spin forever yet they never seem to get around to the lack of results inherent in this colossal waste of money. Lazy reporting as far as I'm concerned.