
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

In the news today...

This isn't news but IMAO has the first two installments of his Scientifical Analysis of the Left. This stuff is funny as hell (I know hell isn't particularly funny but you know what I mean):

A Brief History of the Left
Types of Liberals

And who knew Allah was such a wizard with Photoshop?

In national news today:

I may hate Sheila Copps about as much as I hate a kick in the junk but what was happening to Tony when this picture was taken? Does he not have 'people' who's job is to tell him not to make faces like this in public?

All of you environmentalists out there... could any of you tell me when this global warming thing is supposed to kick in? Sweet suffering its cold!

For the leadership of the Conservative Pary of Canada we have two new contenders:

Belinda Stronach
Tony Clement

And check out Tony Clement's picture in the above link. Does it not appear that The Globe and Mail has a corporate policy that all pictures of people named Tony should show the subject in an unflattering light? Or perhaps I should talk to the Globe's webmaster and find out if he/she ever had a bad experience with someone named Tony?