
Our opinions and advice to the world. Updated whenever we get around to it.

And the news in Europe

Here are a couple of good reads for you great unwashed:

Pacifist Europeans have short memories

Mark Steyn's article concerning Remembrance Day makes many good points. In the English speaking world we still value the sacrifices made decades ago to ensure our freedoms. I suppose many other countries don't have this luxury. I guess losing a war (ie. France), or starting one (ie. Germany), causes a nation to somewhat lose its ability to honour those who sacrificed their lives. Which is a shame.

Take the case of Russia. Its army performed valiantly during WWII. Unfortunately, Russians have alot of reasons to distrust their military simply because of its history during the Soviet era. Its unfortunate that many good men and women who gave their lives to protect their villages and homes during WWII cannot be properly honoured today because of the crimes of the Soviet era.

And his points about the British military's criticisms about the U.S. military is right on the mark. It is one thing for the Brits to give constructive criticism, I'm sure the Americans would more than welcome it, but to be so condescendingly at the same time makes it downright comical.

EU constitution faces poll defeat

And back to my favorite pastime, Europe. According to the Telegraph, support for the EU Constitution is falling off a cliff (my analogy not the Telegraphs). I truly hope that this EU Constitution fails and fails miserably. This entire document gives the EU sweeping powers over nearly every aspect of peoples lives. And how Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac can expect to impose this upon their people without asking for their consent is beyond me.

My only advise to Europeans? Remember that this document was not produced to make your lives easier. It was created in the hope that it would make the work of the bureaucrats and diplomats easier. And am I the only one that finds it odd that these Eurocrats have created a 'EU Constitution' and yet many European leaders such as Tony Blair run around saying that no vote is needed because it doesn't change anything? Its a 'Constitution'! Tony!

According to a constitution is:

The system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, functions, and limits of a government or another institution.

Tony, 'fundamental laws and principles' is not something to sneeze at. Sweet suffering man wake up.